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Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

Meet Brit and Tara from Elevate the Globe, they are on a mission to help raise our vibrational energy to a higher place of living.
Their positive, uplifting energy is totally infectious. You can't help but feel motivated, loved and inspired after listening to their podcast show: The Elevator and scrolling through their instagram feed @elevatetheglobe



What was that ah-haaa moment for you both to create this spiritual lifestyle movement ?

Britt I became really passionate about Kundalini Yoga and clean eating after it changed my life, shifted everything, and was what elevated me from a life of partying and addiction to one of feeling really good inside. I heard messages and started developing my intuition and everything became very clear as far as my purpose and I knew exactly what my path was, where before I was so lost. I went through the nine month Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher training and did a retreat in Costa Rica. I then started teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and began sharing inspiration and the high vibrational lifestyle I was living on instagram and created High Vibe Livin (our former name). It started to grow and connected me to people to help them heal and I loved connecting with like minded people.
Tara was one of my few friends at the time, that was also spirituality seeking, especially with astrology, and she started practicing Kundalini yoga and started living a similar lifestyle. 

It was something we would share and connect over and we had been best friends since middle school so it was so helpful for me to start to connect with her and new friends and form a community and support around this new lifestyle. After my Mom passed away from cancer, I knew I was supposed to make a big difference in the world and I started receiving messages from my Mom and connecting to her and other angels. I wanted to help and share what I knew about wellness, high vibrational living, and spirituality in a larger way.
Tara at the same time knew she was thinking too small about her life and was feeling unfulfilled and started asking her guides for more and her mantra was “I will show up 100% everyday for anything I need to be on my highest path.” She started a blog and was diving deeper into her Kundalini practice and was doing things like pottery classes to get into creativity energy. 
Through getting so many signs, we ended up going together to see a healer John of God who was in New York at the Omega Institute together and we experienced a miracle. Tara saw energy and visions and we both experienced a download with multiple messages for two hours showing us working together and how to share the lifestyle we were living to help elevate consciousness.
That was our ah-ha moment !



What are your daily morning rituals ?
( celery juice, a morning meditation + bullet proof matcha... are mine ) 

Yummmm….love those rituals. Our morning rituals include our Magic Morning Ritual between 4-6 a.m, that is minimum 15 minutes including breathwork, warm ups, meditation, gratitude, visualization and affirmations and then whatever other meditations or kriyas we are committed to (we commit to meditations for 40 days). Then we love Golden Mylk Lattes or other adaptogenic elixirs and often do a morning smoothie or fresh pressed juice (doing cucumber juice right now), oatmeal or other breakfast bowl and love to walk outside or do a morning workout to get our bodies moving. 



We're thrilled to be part of your sustainable style collaboration. Explain to us why slow-style is so important to your lifestyle now.


We are so excited to incorporate The Slow Mode into our wardrobe and it’s so incredible to have brands like yours who are making beautiful clothing in this way. We love so many of the pieces you have and the Alva dress and Ettie crop and Willa skirt fit so perfectly with our vibe and style and what we believe in. It’s important to us to show people that you can still wear clothes that are extremely cute and stylish and still support your health and wellbeing and the health of the planet. We have learned so much about all of the chemicals and toxins that go into a lot of the clothing so many of us wear.

With those toxins laying on our skin all day and breathing in those chemicals, our health is affected in many ways may not even be aware of yet. We are seeing what the stress of these toxins has on our bodies and minds with the rise of cancers and disease and mental health issues and it all plays a part in these epidemics.

The environment is another huge reason slow style is so important to us and the less waste and less toxins in our oceans and landfills the healthier our planet will be and the longer it will sustain life. We love that the clothing is hand dyed in small batches which shows that the people making the clothes have a better quality of life and better working conditions than so much of the slave labor that is still prevalent and affecting the energy on the planet. The Elevate the Globe lifestyle is all about being preventative about our health, feeling our best, and helping to be a part of the solution that will elevate the globe vs being a part of the problem. We are so grateful to connect with others who share similar values and are honored to collaborate with The Slow Mode.                



What are your favourite self care protocols you seek out regularly ? 

Some of our favorite self care protocols are our morning and nightly routine and it’s a big part of our lifestyle!! It is so important for us to wake up early between 4-6am to meditate during sadhana hours which is a specific practice in Kundalini yoga. We tune in every morning with the mantra Ong Namo to tune into to our divine wisdom within and we practice Kundalini yoga and meditation and do a lot of breathwork and bring in gratitude to set up the day in the highest vibration possible. 
Every Sunday we make time to cleanse and clear to start the week off fresh. Sunday is ruled by the sun and it’s a day for rest, relaxation and recharging to connect with your soul and get refocused for the week ahead. We love to use sage, palo santo and crystals to cleanse and bring in new energy. 

We both are Vegan and eat an Ayurvedic diet that fuels us with high vibrational foods that are full of pranic life force because it elevates our minds, bodies and aura's. We are always very mindful of the self care products we use and make sure that all of the ingredients are natural, organic, vegan and non toxic. Self care, giving back, and movement are also huge parts of our lifestyle that we put a lot of energy into as well !




On your amazing podcast The Elevator you both talk a lot about the impact and influences of Kundalini Yoga, Ayurvedic and Astrology practices. How do you use these influences in your growing community ?

Thanks so much, yes our podcast The Elevator consists of interviews with guests we love, on topics that dive deep into ways to elevate your mind, body, and spiritual connection. Kundalini yoga uses ancient technologies using potent meditation and breathwork practices to create immediate shifts in your energy and into higher vibrational frequencies of joy and love. There are so many postures and breathwork in Kundalini yoga that we share on our youtube channel and in all of our online programs that are easy to practice and so incredibly powerful. Our 528 Academy focuses on bringing in the frequency of love, 528hz, into our bodies, minds, souls and to the planet. We align with the flow of the stars, Sun and Moon each month using Astrology.
We create meditations, Kundalini yoga classes, recipes, monthly challenges and a new book for each astrological season. All of our recipes in our 528 Academy are based on an Ayurvedic diet for that specific season too. It is so beneficial to eat ayurvedically for us because it helps to promote natural self-healing and creates a balance between ourself and our environment. This is why we have created our 528 Academy, FULL of Kundalini yoga and meditation, ayurvedic recipes, monthly challenges and a book club that is all connected to each season throughout the year. It is all essentially designed to have us be in harmony with our true selves, the planets, sun, moon and stars and mother earth to feel our best and be able to give back to the world.



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